HP OneView Manual del usuario

Página 288

background image

if ($authValue -ne "")
$request.Headers.Item("auth") = $authValue
$request.Headers.Item("X-API-Version") = $global:scriptApiVersion
if ($body -ne $null)
$requestBodyStream = New-Object IO.StreamWriter $request.getRequestStream()

# attempt to connect to the Appliance and get a response
[net.httpsWebResponse]$response = $request.getResponse()

if ($returnLocation)
$taskUri = $response.getResponseHeader("Location")

return $taskUri
# response stored in a stream
$responseStream = $response.getResponseStream()
$sr = New-Object IO.StreamReader ($responseStream)

#the stream, which contains a json object, is read into the storage variable
$rawResponseContent = $sr.readtoend()
return $rawResponseContent
catch [Net.WebException]
$errorMessage = $error[0].Exception.message

#Try to get more information about the error
try {
$errorResponse = $error[0].Exception.InnerException.Response.getResponseStream()
$sr = New-Object IO.StreamReader ($errorResponse)
$rawErrorStream = $sr.readtoend()
$errorObject = $rawErrorStream | convertFrom-Json
if (($errorObject.message.length -gt 0) -and
($errorObject.recommendedActions.length -gt 0))
$errorMessage = $errorObject.message + " " + $errorObject.recommendedActions
catch [System.Exception]
#Use exception message

if ($isSilent) {
throw $errorMessage
elseif ($global:interactiveMode -eq 1)
Write-Host $errorMessage
Write-EventLog -EventId 100 -LogName Application -Source backup.ps1 -Message $errorMessage

#No need to rethrow since already recorded error

##### Start of function calls #####

#gets the credentials from user, either manual entry or from file
$savedLoginJson = queryfor-credentials $args[0]
if ($savedLoginJson -eq $null)
#if an error occurs, it has already been logged in the queryfor-credentials function

#extracts needed information from the credential json

288 Ejemplos de secuencias de comandos de copia de seguridad y restauración
