Programming, Alert alarm) – Hired-Hand Emergency Back-Up and Alarms: Farm Hand Alert Alarm Manual del usuario

Página 26

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Parte No. 4801-5109 Rev 8-99

Farm Hand Alert Alarm


16. Listado de Programas de Parámetro


P 1-9 General Parameters

P1 = Individual Temperature Limits

Yes= Temp Limits are Set Individually

No= Temp Limits are Identical

P 40-49 Hired Hand Network

P40 = Network Address

P41 = Software Version

P42 = Controller Setup

(Alert Alarm)

PS Sensor Calibration

PS1 = Sensor 1

PS2 = Sensor 2

To view History: Press any "Select" button

while the Green Display Indicator is showing

"Actual Reading". Then press "Mode" button

to advance on to see the low history and to

reset the history.

PS2 = Sensor 3

