Asus WL-500gP V2 Manual del usuario

Página 51

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Enrutador Inalámbrico WL-500gP V2

Manual del Usuario

Manual del Usuario


�� �r��ec� y��r ri������ �e nee� �� ��ke re��ric�i�n� ���� f�r�i� �ny�ne �� �eny y��

��e�e ri���� �r �� ��k y�� �� ��rren�er ��e ri����� ��e�e re��ric�i�n� �r�n�l��e �� cer��in

re���n�i�ili�ie� f�r y�� if y�� �i��ri���e c��ie� �f ��e ��f���re�� �r if y�� ���ify i��
F�r ex���le�� if y�� �i��ri���e c��ie� �f ��c� � �r��r���� ��e��er �r��i� �r f�r � fee�� y�� ����

�i�e ��e reci�ien�� �ll ��e ri���� ���� y�� ���e� Y�� ���� ��ke ��re ���� ��ey�� ����� recei�e �r

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that there is no warrant�� for this free software. If the software is modified b�� someone else and

����e� �n�� �e ��n� i�� reci�ien�� �� kn�� ���� ���� ��ey ���e i� n�� ��e �ri�in�l�� �� ���� �ny

problems introduced b�� others will not reflect on the original authors’ reputations.
Fin�lly�� �ny free �r��r�� i� ��re��ene� c�n���n�ly �y ��f���re ���en��� �e �i�� �� ���i� ��e

��n�er ���� re�i��ri����r� �f � free �r��r�� �ill in�i�i���lly ����in ���en� licen�e��� in effec�

��kin� ��e �r��r�� �r��rie��ry� �� �re�en� ��i��� �e ���e ���e i� cle�r ���� �ny ���en� ����

�e licen�e� f�r e�ery�ne’� free ��e �r n�� licen�e� �� �ll�
The precise terms and conditions for cop��ing, distribution and modification follow.

Terms & conditions for copying, distribution, & modification

��� ��i� �icen�e ���lie� �� �ny �r��r�� �r ���er ��rk ��ic� c�n��in� � n��ice �l�ce� �y

��e c��yri��� ��l�er ��yin� i� ��y �e �i��ri���e� �n�er ��e �er�� �f ��i� Gener�l ���lic

License. The �Program��, below, refers to an�� such program or work, and a �work based

on the Program�� means either the Program or an�� derivative work under cop��right law:

���� i� �� ��y�� � ��rk c�n��inin� ��e �r��r�� �r � ��r�i�n �f i��� ei��er �er���i� �r �i��

modifications and/or translated into another language. �Hereinafter, translation is included

without limitation in the term �modification��.) Each licensee is addressed as ���ou��.

Activities other than cop��ing, distribution and modification are not covered b�� this License;

��ey �re ����i�e i�� �c��e� ��e �c� �f r�nnin� ��e �r��r�� i� n�� re��ric�e��� �n� ��e

������ fr�� ��e �r��r�� i� c��ere� �nly if i�� c�n�en�� c�n��i���e � ��rk ���e� �n ��e

�r��r�� (in�e�en�en� �f ���in� �een ���e �y r�nnin� ��e �r��r��)� ��e��er ���� i�

�r�e �e�en�� �n ���� ��e �r��r�� ��e��

�� Y�� ��y c��y �n� �i��ri���e �er���i� c��ie� �f ��e �r��r��’� ���rce c��e �� y�� recei�e

i��� in �ny �e�i���� �r��i�e� ���� y�� c�n��ic����ly �n� ���r��ri��ely ���li�� �n e�c�

c��y �n ���r��ri��e c��yri��� n��ice �n� �i�cl�i�er �f ��rr�n�y; kee� in��c� �ll ��e

n��ice� ���� refer �� ��i� �icen�e �n� �� ��e ���ence �f �ny ��rr�n�y; �n� �i�e �ny ���er

reci�ien�� �f ��e �r��r�� � c��y �f ��i� �icen�e �l�n� �i�� ��e �r��r���

Y�� ��y c��r�e � fee f�r ��e ��y�ic�l �c� �f �r�n�ferrin� � c��y�� �n� y�� ��y �� y��r

���i�n �ffer ��rr�n�y �r��ec�i�n in exc��n�e f�r � fee�

�� Y�� ��y ���ify y��r c��y �r c��ie� �f ��e �r��r�� �r �ny ��r�i�n �f i��� ���� f�r�in� �

work based on the Program, and cop�� and distribute such modifications or work under the

�er�� �f �ec�i�n � ����e�� �r��i�e� ���� y�� �l�� �ee� �ll �f ��e�e c�n�i�i�n���

a) You must cause the modified files to carr�� prominent notices stating that ��ou changed

the files and the date of an�� change.
